Instructions for installing Castle 15-series, 17-series, and 20-series V2 blower fan shrouds.
There are two methods for using the zip ties.
Method 1 uses a single zip tie and looping it under the motor. (20-series requires 2 total zip ties).
Method 2 uses two zip ties and a single run under the motor. (20-series requires 4 total zip ties). Images show 20-series installation.
Installation is much easier when the motor is removed from the vehicle.
Two 17-series blow fan shrouds can be used on the 1721 series motors.
After installing blower fan shroud on motor, plug the fan(s) into any open channel on your receiver.
If you have two fans, and only one open channel, use a servo Y-harness.
Installation Method 1
(Images show 1717 motor and 17-series blower fan shroud.)
Step 1: Insert zip tie with flat side facing away from fan.
Step 2. Insert zip tie into other slot and create a "loop".
Step 3: Slide over motor can and pull zip tie taught.
Step 4: Loop zip tie back to the other side and zip snug. Trim excess.
Installation Method 2
(Images show 2028 series motor and 20-series blower fan shroud.)
Step 1: Insert zip tie(s) with flat side facing toward the fan.
Step 2: Insert zip tie(s) into other slot and create a "loop".
Step 3: Slide over motor can and pull zip tie(s) taught.
Step 4: Side second zip tie over the tail of the first.
Step 5: Trim tails of all zip ties.